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PAPERBACK                         $19.25 

Basarab Nicolescu
Translated by William Garvin

"Where does modern science stand in the essential poetic enterprise? Himself a high-level particle physicist, Nicolescu reports the present crisis of the hard sciences: the demand, as he puts it, for an 'ontological opening,' a recognition of being"


Peek inside  Chapter 1 Levels of Reality

BASARAB NICOLESCU (Ploiesti, Romania, 1942) is an honorary theoretical physicist at the French National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS). His publications include Science, Meaning and Evolution – The Cosmology of Jacob Boehme, Manifesto of Transdisciplinarity and From Modernity to Cosmodernity. The Hidden Third is the English translation of Théorèmes poétiques: Poetic Theorems at the intersection of science and philosophy

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